Joy in Doing Our Function

Gordon and Company

It’s a real privilege to be able to share a little bit of how I live the Word day after day, and from day to day. One of my long suits and one I really enjoy is to encourage others to more worthy endeavors (being the Word), to know and live it. And like it was spoken earlier, people do not really care what you know unless they know you care. And that applies to believers and unbelievers.

If they don’t genuinely think you have a genuine care for their lives they may listen, and then go about their way.  So, hence the love of God is necessary to manifest in one’s life, and that’s not something you have to go get, it came in the gift. It’s in the package, all you have to do is manifest it.  God gave it, and so to the end that we manifest that gift of agapē that He gave to us.  You just keep turning it up. Do you start getting the right results?  It’s God that worketh in us and with us. That being a great key. God didn’t give you the gift and say, “Now, see you later”. You have got anybody but yourself. He works in and with me to will and to do of His good pleasure. And it’s His good pleasure to love people and to work in their hearts to get them to come and understand Him as a Father and as God.

Yesterday I was at my job site and working, and I work with a lady who works in the same area, and she invited me to lunch. So we went and ate lunch, and as soon as she took a bite of food, that was my opening.  Because I have a hard time restraining myself from looking for an opportunity to speak about God. So with the great heart in my life, I started speaking to her.  Now, you might think she’s not a believer.  So what do you think I shared to her about?  The three different ages recorded in God’s Word. First heaven and earth, second heaven and earth, third heaven and earth.  Ah, that’ll do it, right?

I’ve got a personal thing with God, I’m believing He’s working in me and with me to speak the right thing, at the right time, to the right person. So I shared it with her, and we finished lunch and went back to work. Okay, and I said: “Well, there you go”.  And here’s the great thing: two hours later she pulls me aside, and she starts sharing things with me that she said she’s never shared with anyone but her own mother. How does that work?  Well, it’s because you get that same care and love for people as you know God does. That’s how it works. It becomes personal to you, and the more personal it becomes to you, the greater joy you’re able to enjoy. Because I get abundantly blessed.

I know it wasn’t me, I didn’t convince this lady to tell me things.  It was God’s love manifested and whatever Word I spoke, made an impact in her brains. I don’t know if it was because she thought I knew something. I don’t know. But I know the result was, that she wanted to know more, and so I have someone now I’m working with to know more about God’s Word.

This walk with God is very personal, and yet it’s very, very rewarding. And everyone has a function.  I didn’t set forth the good works we all work in; God did.  He set them forth. He placed me in the body of Christ. I didn’t chose my spot. I didn’t say, “I’d like to be over h…” He chose it.  And I function because I choose to, free will. I choose to move with the Word of God, and as you know, as I do, God makes Himself known in my life, how I best function. Now my function may change, or it may not, but let me tell you I’ve got a great function. I like it, I do it well, and it brings me great joy. And it’s effective, and I get better at it every time. So, it’s been said that we often don’t realize the greatness of the days we live in. Well, I do.


Gordon Davis

This content is provided by one of our valuable contributors. We are grateful for the content they provided which adds to our learning environment as we "comprehend with all saints" (Ephesians 3:18).

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