It wasn’t too long ago that I came to the realization that as I got up in the morning, God and I would be talking, we’d be fellowshipping; as I drove to work, I’d be praying, sharing my heart, and then, when I got to work, I’d leave Him in the car. “see you at 5 o’clock.” I’d come back out, drive home, I’d be talking to God, because I thought, the profession I’m in, not everybody is in to it. It’s like okay, it can be dull and boring, but you can help people sometimes. So, I thought, I don’t know, I just never put Him there with me. I would get caught up in my day to day business.
Then it finally dawned on me that this is ridiculous. Of course, God is here with me so I started including Him in my day at work. And then, just recently I started taking it a step further. Because when you think about the principles that you practice at work, having your own integrity, and treating people with love, not using people, encouraging people instead of beating people over the head with fear. Those are all Godly based decisions and that’s all great.
Then I would see my peers that were in the same business, on the same level so to speak, and they would be making lots of money, and I would be not making as much money. But I would be okay with that, then as the day approaches, I started thinking about that and you know what, “My rewards are coming later.” And that really blessed me and it made it real for me that I could take God to work with me and everywhere, every little instance of my life. You know nothing is too hard for God, nothing is too boring for Him. So, I encourage you to do it too. It’s a lot of fun. We have a great time now.