Unplug & Connect
Together Outdoors

Unplug from the World, Connect with God
Psalms 24:1: The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Each Unplug & Connect event is unique, and tailor-made to location, participants, and available resources. The idea is to help our brothers and sisters "unplug" from the noise and confusion of the world and connect with God through His creation by way of activities like hiking, climbing, beach combing, camping, fishing, hunting, farming, animal care and stewardship, orienteering, birding, skygazing, etc.
These activities are meant to refresh and reset boundaries the world is quickly eroding (Proverbs 22:28). Nature has clear boundaries that cannot be so easily moved as so many claim. Laws in nature are on display for anyone to experience should they choose. These laws present a hard stop to imagined and subjective realities so prevalent in culture today.


Worship the Creator and Enjoy Creation
Setting the balance of worshipping the Creator and not the creation requires men and women of humble understanding that can guide us in keeping God at the center of all we do. Observing and appreciating together the seemingly inexhaustible signs and indicators of the layered systems He put in place that allow life to flourish on earth is mind- boggling!

Get Outside Together Locally
Unplug & Connect events near you will be advertised through the website. In addition, teachings, video demonstrations, and shared wisdom will be added periodically to access and share through the network.
Unplug & Connect events are a developing category of service that is desperately needed in the Christian community. You may be interested in participating or even helping to put on an event. For further information, please contact unplugandconnect@oikeos.org.

See God's Provision, Care and Rule
Sharing the rich and diverse witness of God’s handiwork will not only restore the soul but advance our vision of the Kingdom of God and His sovereignty and care. May we all embrace this avenue to minister and support such truth to others and be fellow workers with God praying for doors to open in partnership with His heart that will allow the current and following generations to see His provision, care, and sovereignty over all things to His glory.